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Master Degree in Finances

See Curriculum


To train financial executives who are able to plan together with other areas of the organization, the direction that the company should take in a global and highly changeable world capitals, to foster and promote their commitment to society, empowering them with enough flexibility to provide information reliable, relevant and timely information through a critical and strategic developing analytical and diagnostic skills identifying problems and opportunities inherent to financial resources.

Graduate Profile

The graduate of the Master of Finance may professionally perform the following functions:

Analyze the financial situation of the company and propose optimal alternatives for solving financial problems.

Understand, manage and propose instruments through which companies assign their resources. Understand and analyze the financial situation of the company and the environment in which it operates.

Develop abilities as a financial leader.

Acquire the skills that lead to plan the future of the company efficiently using the economic resources on which it counts.

Understand the legal aspects of the capital markets.

Manage and use the tax aspect of financing.

Know the legal aspect of the Stock Exchange and its operation.

Understand, evaluate and analyze the decisions of government, as well as the effects on the business, and the risks of various forms of financing.

Fecha de publicación: 2014-08-04 18:52:15
Fecha de actualización: 2014-08-04 18:54:39
URL de este artículo: /noticias/master_degree_in_finances/
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