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Master degree in Human resources management (online)

Online Graduate studies information: fcamaestria@uach.mx

See Curriculum


Transform professionals in Human Resources managers who are able to plan together with other areas of the organization the direction to be taken by the company, in a global and constantly changing world culture, to achieve the full and harmonious development of the human dimensions.

Value and promote the development of the human being as the main agent of change in transforming businesses to world-class organizations, through the exchange of experiences and integration of approaches to help improve our environment.

Graduate Profile

The Master in Human Resource Management will be able to:

Contribute to the development of the organization as a human system based on development of the individual and teamwork.

Have knowledge of the legal aspects that allow them to solve the labor problems that emerge.

Identify and analyze the different problems of Human Resources in the modern enterprise and facilitate the appropriate solutions.

Occupy positions of higher hierarchical level within a public or private organization, because it has the theoretical and practical for the administrative support highly demanded in corporations today.

Possess the ability to respond and adapt to changes in the competitive environment, analyzing and evaluating the organizational environment in which the company operates.

Know and use the different tools of Human Resources Administration in order to meet the needs and problems of the organization.

The program is aimed at:

All those professionals who have a direct relationship with the personnel function in Public and Private Organizations.

Professional Consultants in the field of:

Organizational Development

Human resources

Human Relations

Industrial Relations

Management Consultants and Advisors in human and organizational behavior.

Teaching and research staff.

Fecha de publicación: 2014-09-25 09:56:26
Fecha de actualización: 2014-09-25 09:56:26
URL de este artículo: /noticias/human_resources_management_online/
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